Der IFS entwickelt weltweit anerkannte Produktqualitäts- und Sicherheitsstandards sowie Entwicklungsprogramme mit dem Fachwissen von Einzelhändlern, Herstellern, Zertifizierungsstellen und anderen Experten. Mit unserer Hilfe steigern Unternehmen die Vertrauenswürdigkeit ihrer Produkte und Marken durch eine gelebte Produkt- und Lebensmittelsicherheitskultur.
Das IFS Integrity Program stellt sicher, dass unsere Standards ordnungsgemäß umgesetzt werden.
Dies wird gewährleistet durch:
Im Falle von Beschwerden ist es möglich, das IFS Integrity Programm über das Beschwerdeformular oder per
Mit der Akkreditierung der mit uns zusammenarbeitenden Zertifizierungsstellen und den IFS Standards stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Arbeit auf einheitlichen internationalen Normen und damit auf objektiv überprüfbaren Qualitätsstandards basiert. Akkreditierung bedeutet für uns Sicherheit und Vertrauen in unsere Produkte.
Prozesse, Strukturen und Geschäftsmodelle nachhaltiger zu gestalten, ist für viele Unternehmen eine ständige Herausforderung. Um insbesondere kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen bei der Integration von Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Grundsätzen (ESG) zu helfen, bietet der IFS den ESG Check an. Mit diesem Tool unterstützen wir Sie auf Ihrem Weg in eine grünere und sozialere Zukunft.
Gewährleisten Sie Produktintegrität mit dem IFS. Wir helfen Ihnen, Risiken in Bezug auf Produktintegrität und Lebensmittelbetrug besser zu verstehen und zu kontrollieren. Mit unserem IFS PIA Assessment zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden, dass Sie Produkte gemäß den Spezifikationen liefern und Ihre Integritätsrisiken ordnungsgemäß managen.
IFS is excited to announce the launch of the IFS Supply Chain Processes Check, an innovative tool designed to help suppliers gain insights into risks within their supply chains. As global product supply chains grow more complex, effective risk management is more critical than ever.
“In a landscape where customers and other stakeholders demand greater transparency, it is essential for companies to identify and manage associated risks in their supply chains," states Stephan Tromp, IFS Managing Director. "The IFS Supply Chain Processes Check not only verifies that companies have established robust processes to identify risks but also highlights improvement opportunities, ultimately enhancing business resilience and increasing customer trust."
With emerging challenges and heightened regulatory scrutiny, many enterprises worldwide face significant hurdles in implementing target-oriented risk management within their supply chains. The IFS Supply Chain Processes Check addresses these challenges by providing a systematic assessment of supply chain management systems, helping businesses identify commodity-related risks and facilitating constructive dialogue with supply chain partners.
Key components of the IFS Supply Chain Processes Check include:
The IFS Supply Chain Processes Check results offer valuable insights into current practices and indicate areas for development, ensuring companies meet both stakeholder expectations and evolving government regulations.
The introduction of the IFS Supply Chain Processes Check marks the first product under the new brand, IFS Supply Chain Solutions. Under this brand, we will introduce further process checks and IT tools, all designed to assist companies in managing and monitoring supply chain risks effectively and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and stakeholder demands.
For more information on the IFS Supply Chain Processes Check,
We are pleased to announce the publication of version 3 of the IFS Wholesale and Cash & Carry Standard.
"After eight years, we decided it was time for an update. We consulted with the industry, retailers, and certification bodies to develop a standard tailored to the specific needs of this industry. We aligned it with the other IFS Standards, optimised the protocol, and introduced a new logo colour. I thank everyone who contributed to realising this new standard version," says IFS Managing Director Stephan Tromp.
The most significant changes in version 3 are the reduction of the modules from four to two, a leaner protocol with fewer requirements, an updated scoring system, the introduction of voluntary unannounced audits, and better-defined applicability.
Audits to version 3 can start on 1 May 2025 and will become mandatory on 1 November 2025.
IFS Wholesale and Cash & Carry is our standard for assessing the safety and quality of products and processes of wholesalers, cash & carry businesses, and packing companies. These businesses are an essential link between growers, manufacturers, and the catering industry. The standard supports sites in meeting the growing transparency and traceability demands in the market and contributes to increased efficiency.
Major players in wholesale and cash & carry, as well as companies packing vegetables, fruits and eggs, use the standard to have their sites audited, thus raising the quality of their services to the next level. Last year, 805 sites passed the audit and received the IFS Certificate. The certificate shows that the certified site is a reliable business partner that handles products in a safe, responsible and professional way.
IFS offers guidance, including guidelines and various tools, to support businesses in reaching IFS Certification and further enhancing their product safety and quality management. Recognised IFS Consultants can help you implement the requirements and train your staff. Follow the link to the webpage below to learn more about the roadmap to certification and the support for IFS certified sites.
Accreditation is new for the IFS Wholesale and Cash & Carry standard. The process with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for recognition under the sub-scopes of product certification of the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) is in progress. IAF MLA signatories mutually recognise accredited certification. This helps to reduce trade barriers, as accredited certificates are recognised in many markets based on a single accreditation.
The standard is available in English on our website. Translations will follow, and we will inform you about them on LinkedIn and in newsletters.
For more details, download the:
Stay up to date:
The IFS CB Conference took place in Berlin on 10 and 11 October 2024. At this annual event, we update the certification bodies we cooperate with about the current market situation and our standards, programs and tools.
In a challenging market with ongoing consolidation in the European food industry, IFS has successfully maintained a high number of certificates. IFS remains the market leader in food certification in Europe and is expanding into new markets. Specifically, food retailers continue to choose IFS as the preferred standard for assessing the quality and safety of their private label products.
The food industry will face more challenges in Europe and other countries and regions around the globe as new corporate sustainability and supply chain transparency legislation comes into force. The IFS Network, supported by major retailers and certification bodies, recognises the need for process validation to comply with the new regulations and stakeholder expectations.
In this context, IFS Managing Director Stephan Tromp said, “We at IFS want to support businesses in creating and maintaining efficient management processes for sustainable and transparent supply chains. To this end, we will offer a portfolio of checks and supportive digital tools under the new IFS Supply Chain Solutions brand. These tools will support companies, particularly SMEs, to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in their supply chains. Through our practical checklists and tools, businesses can identify risks early, monitor their supply chains, and meet their obligations efficiently and reliably. “
He expects the first checks belonging to this product line to be presented in early 2025.
We will keep our stakeholders updated through LinkedIn and our newsletters.
IFS offers me an environment in which I can develop my skills while contributing to bringing safe products to the market that benefit consumer health. Irmtraut Rathjens de Suster Senior Technical Manager & IFS Wholesale and Cash & Carry Stand...
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IFS offers me an environment in which I can develop my skills while contributing to bringing safe products to the market that benefit consumer health. Mariana Estrada, Logistics & Broker Standard Manager Mariana Estrada has been a highly valued m...
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